Sunday, January 10, 2010

Gods Forgiveness

did u ever think u could lose it all! God is a very forgiving God,but ppl r not. they say they love u but when u do some wrong they walk away. Can u lose Gods love and forgiveness So what do u do, not love! What to do love anyways. God used ppl that where not perfect. so why not me! he can use me for so much but i have to let him. its a new day. what do u need to have God forgive u for? me so much. So love or not to love.
What do we do? please comment and let me know what u think!


bbunderground said...

it is very easy to turn away these days, to forget the other person, opening your heart to god can be difficult for those who dont know how, I dont think many would deny god the chance to make them a instrument of his word and work, but how do we find this and let it happen, this has always been my downfall

Unknown said...

When we believe what God has done for us by sending Jesus as the extreme sacrifice for us who really don't deserve it. I mean when you truly truly believe in his son(Jesus) it is all you can do is to seek him and his purpose for our lives. We really can't do anything on our own. Its by his power and Grace that we find our strength. I really love the scripture Romans 12:1-2. The key to it all is the first and greatest commandment is to love God with everything you got. Love others. A quote from my pastor. Seek the lost serve the least.

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楊俊美 said...

我喜歡用心經營的blog~ ^^.................................................................